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JL Timbreza-Siao

JL Timbreza-Siao: A Multi-Faceted Artist and Creator 

In the world of artistry, there are those whose stories not only captivate with their creations but also resonate through their diverse talents and life experiences. JL Timbreza-Siao stands as one such individual, whose journey through the realms of art, design, and motherhood paints a vivid tapestry of creativity, innovation, and thought-provoking expressions.

A graduate of the esteemed University of the Philippines, Diliman, JL Timbreza-Siao earned her Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts, carving a path toward her artistic endeavors. However, her trajectory transcended traditional boundaries, as she ventured into leadership roles within publication, web, and graphic design agencies. As a Team Leader, her adeptness at orchestrating artistic visions blended seamlessly with her managerial prowess, creating a harmonious fusion of creativity and organization. 

Idle hands held no appeal for JL. Her insatiable thirst for creation was a driving force that propelled her forward. From sketches on canvas to the crafting of beautiful and functional pieces, her creative impulse knew no bounds. Yet, beneath her various roles and talents, her identity as a mother of three remained a steadfast cornerstone, a testament to the balance she artfully maintained between her artistic pursuits and her family. 

The trajectory of her life led her to the vibrant city of Hong Kong, where she found herself a resident for over a decade. It was in this bustling metropolis that JL’s artistic voice took on new dimensions. Her journey was marked by an exhibition that left an indelible mark on the Hong Kong art scene. A moment of international exposure, it became a prelude to her eventual return to her homeland, the Philippines. 

JL’s artistry is characterized by a distinctive pop art style that revels in the splendor of vibrant colors. Her canvases come alive with a visual exuberance that resonates with the eye and the soul. However, it is her art series titled “Death by Dessert” that truly encapsulates her thought-provoking approach. In this series, an ant is depicted submerged within an array of delectable sweet desserts. Beneath the luscious façade lies a profound metaphor—a reminder that not all that appears pleasurable is necessarily beneficial. Through this poignant symbolism, JL underscores that indulgence can lead to various forms of “death”—not merely physical, but the demise of dreams, values, and principles. 

JL Timbreza-Siao is more than an artist; she is a polymath who adorns many hats with remarkable finesse. She is a baker, crafting delectable treats that mirror her creative essence. She is a carpenter, molding raw materials into functional works of art. Her proficiency as a web and graphic designer showcases her innate ability to transform digital landscapes into captivating visual experiences. An entrepreneur at heart, she dauntlessly navigates the realms of business and creativity, crafting her unique path. 

Ultimately, JL’s narrative weaves together threads of creativity, motherhood, resilience, and a profound exploration of the human experience. Her artistry not only delights the senses but also challenges perceptions and sparks introspection. Through her pop art creations and her captivating “Death by Dessert” series, JL Timbreza-Siao leaves an indelible mark on the canvas of contemporary art, reminding us that even in life’s sweetest moments, caution and discernment remain steadfast companions.


Physical Exhibits:

  • “Rewind and Renew” September 2023 – Abraham Manila, Philippines
  • “Onli in the Philippines” September 2023 – Kape Kesada, Paete Laguna, Philippines
  • “In Bloom” June 2023 – August 2023 Hotel Lucky Chinatown, Binondo, Philippines
  • “Kapentura” 2023 CoffeeArtea, La Union, Philippines
  • “His And Hers” September 2017 – Bricklane Gallery, Hong Kong
  • “Halo Halo Exhibit” 2016 Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

Online Exhibits:

  • “Amore” 2023 ASP
  • “Abstraction 2” 2023 ASP


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